

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Stupid cancer

My poor mommy didn't eat anything today. I did get her to sip some Gatorade. She's pretty weak and has been sleeping a lot. Somehow she managed to throw up tonight anyway. She's still up and walking around from time to time.

Hospice delivered a wheelchair today and Dad took Mom out for a spin. The weather is still really nice and she enjoyed it.

Unfortunately, Mom had more pain in her arm so she had to have extra meds today. Her lymph nodes are completely messed up in that arm and that's what usually causes her the most trouble.

She's also getting really disjointed in her thoughts. It's like she's gone from paragraphs to sentences to phrases to fragments in her thinking. Thoughts aren't connected all the time with what's going on; it's like joining a conversation mid-way through and then losing it. My poor brothers and sisters call often to talk with mom and the conversations are often confusing and frustrating.

The hospice nurse came yesterday and said the naps would get longer and longer as Mom lost her energy. We're watching for that. How can she have any energy if she's not eating?
Stupid cancer.